Friday, September 14, 2012

Saturday School is a pain in the "you know what"

Tomorrow is Saturday and I am pretty sure the whole world doesn't have school. On Saturdays, every typical teenager goes out and hangs out with their friends or sleep until very late and watch cartoons. Usually on Saturdays I wake up at 10:30am and watch some cartoons. But tomorrow that is not going to happen. My parents decided I am not smart enough. They registered me for Saturday School at A+ Academy. Apparently to my parents I am never allowed to relax. School work is really important and they think if I watch TV or play the computer, my brain will somehow breakdown. I extremely hate going to Saturday school. It is the second thing worst to Summer School. I hear from people who go to A+ Academy, they have a lot of homework. I think to myself "HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO CONCENTRATE ON SCHOOL WORK WHEN I AM GETTING TONS OF HOMEWORK FROM SATURDAY SCHOOL"??!! 
I have a really sad life. Part of the reason I am anti-social is because my parents won't let me go hang out with my friends when it is Saturday or Sunday. So when they ask my why I don't have any friends, I am going to say "You expect me to have friends when all you guys do is make me go to Saturday school, study 7 day a week and not let my go anywhere alone with them"? It is so annoying having strict parents!!!


  1. My parents are strict like crazy, but I'm not anti-social... Yah, you know your allowed to write "ass" on blogger so you don't have to say "You know what..." I'm not trying to be but:

    Haha!!! You got Saturday school and I dont!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Oh, no~ :O Victor's evil laugh~ I hope you don't get chopped when Sharon sees you~ :(
