Sunday, September 23, 2012

Nyan Cat

Yes people. I actually watched the nyan cat video. The only reason I watch it was because I was curious and had nothing better to do. For people who don't know what the nayn cat is, it is basically a cat with a pop-tart for the body and it is running through space with a rainbow coming out of it's butt. The only reason I watch it was I was curious and had nothing better to do. It was so funny. I was laughing for the hour of the video then it got really annoying. The video is 10 hours long. I only watched 2 and a half hours of it and then I was really annoyed and bored. So basically I was bored and watched it and after I watched it, I go even more bored. Then I stopped watching and did something else. But now when I look back, I can't believe I wasted 2 and a half hours of my life watching that. If anyone wants to watch it here is the link.
I have to warn you. I think I killed some of my brain cells because I watched the video.


  1. If it killed your brain cell then why you watched it? I do however wonder what it's about. I'll watch it and tell you what I think later.

    1. I watch like a minute and I'm already bored, how do you watch 2 and a half hours of it?

    2. It was really funny looking at it for the first hour. Then it got boring.

  2. Haha... Love how you said you think it kills your brain cells... :) I Love the Nyan Cat! Even though the rainbow colors and the meowing can be annoying... :P
