Saturday, July 21, 2012

Waiting at the doctors Office/Laryngitis

Waiting at the doctors office for 2 hours. OMG!!! That happens every time I go. I think it's because I don't make an appointment and when other people who have appointments get there, the doctors see them first. I really hate waiting at the doctors office. There is no entertainment and even though there is, it is some Asian stuff. SO BORING!!!! 
Any way, I went to the doctors because my voice is raspy and I am having coughing fits. So after 2 hours of waiting, the doctor finally sees me. He takes his looking stick thingy with the light in it and looks in my mouth. He say I probably have laryngitis and gives me a prescription for some medicine. He say if my voice no improve after a month, I have to go back and have something put down my throat. Sounds really painful. I hope my voice gets better. I DON'T WANNA GO BACK AND WAIT FOR THE DOCTOR!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awww.... Feel better Sharon!!!♥
    P.S. Sticking something down your throat sounds painful and pretty disturbing!! But pray for the best, that it doesn't happen! :D
