Monday, July 16, 2012

Going on Vacation...but so may things to pack

Packing for a one month trip to visit your long-time-no-see relatives/friends can be a pain in the butt. You have to pack so many things it could take you forever. This is from personal experience: My parents planned a trip to go visit some long-time-no-see relatives/friends. We spent months deciding what to buy for them as gifts, mostly it is food for some reason.  Also we packed at least 5 suitcases full of things. Only one suitcase had clothes in it, one suit case has kitchen utensils, and the other 3 had food. For you people who think this is weird, you probably don't have a lot of relatives and your parents are not Asian. Apparently they say we have a lot of uncles, aunts, cousins and friends. I am pretty sure I haven't meet more than half of them.


  1. Have fun Sharon!!! I wonder why you have to pack kitchen utensils... :)

  2. Because I am going for a month and we need to cook with something.

  3. Oh... When are you leaving again? Did you say August or something like that?

  4. What? That fast?? :( (Tear)I'm going to die just because I won't receive any news from you!! :( :(
