Saturday, July 21, 2012

Waiting at the doctors Office/Laryngitis

Waiting at the doctors office for 2 hours. OMG!!! That happens every time I go. I think it's because I don't make an appointment and when other people who have appointments get there, the doctors see them first. I really hate waiting at the doctors office. There is no entertainment and even though there is, it is some Asian stuff. SO BORING!!!! 
Any way, I went to the doctors because my voice is raspy and I am having coughing fits. So after 2 hours of waiting, the doctor finally sees me. He takes his looking stick thingy with the light in it and looks in my mouth. He say I probably have laryngitis and gives me a prescription for some medicine. He say if my voice no improve after a month, I have to go back and have something put down my throat. Sounds really painful. I hope my voice gets better. I DON'T WANNA GO BACK AND WAIT FOR THE DOCTOR!!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Not Blogging For One Month...Holy Shit!!!!

As some of you people may know, I am going on vacation this year...for one month. While I am on vacation I don't think I'll be getting Internet connections. So that leads to not blogging for one month. I wonder how I am doing to live. So, I made a plan. I am going to type what I'm going to post on my blog on my laptop. When I come back, I'll post everything on my blog. Maybe I will type something every week or every other week. Who knows?

Good Bye America!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Going on Vacation...but so may things to pack

Packing for a one month trip to visit your long-time-no-see relatives/friends can be a pain in the butt. You have to pack so many things it could take you forever. This is from personal experience: My parents planned a trip to go visit some long-time-no-see relatives/friends. We spent months deciding what to buy for them as gifts, mostly it is food for some reason.  Also we packed at least 5 suitcases full of things. Only one suitcase had clothes in it, one suit case has kitchen utensils, and the other 3 had food. For you people who think this is weird, you probably don't have a lot of relatives and your parents are not Asian. Apparently they say we have a lot of uncles, aunts, cousins and friends. I am pretty sure I haven't meet more than half of them.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

My Asian Mom vs. Asian Dad

I find that a lot people have a better relationship with their mom versus their dad. For some reason, it is the other way around for me. Even though I am a girl, I feel like my dad understand me more than my mom. Whenever I talk to my mom about things she doesn't know when I am for real and when I am joking. But when I talk to my dad about things he understands. I am a girl and currently going through puberty and my mom should probably know when I have cramps and don't feel like doing anything,  but I don't think she gets the pain. She went through the same things and should know how I feel but I don't think she does. When their is a special occasion and I don't feel well because it is my time of the month, my mom makes me go and when I am in a bad mood, she thinks I am trying to embarrass her. On the other hand, when I tell my dad my stomach really hurt (I don't tell him the reason) he lets me stay home from those things. I do not like my dad better than my mom but sometimes he is a lot better to talk to. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ordering online with Asian parents

OMG!!! On July 10, my parents ordered something online and it is probably going to arrive today. I have to be home to receive the package. For some reason they think UPS is going to ring my door at 8 am so they decided to wake me from my nice sleep to make me wait for the UPS guy. I WAS SO TIRED. They know I slept at 1 am, but my parents decides to wake my up after 7 hours of sleep to wait for the stupid package. I was tracking my order and it said it will come some time in the afternoon.
 Maybe because my parents are Asian and they think UPS delivers packages at 8 am. I personally don't think during the summer, the UPS guy is going to come to my house so early in the morning. From my experiences of receiving packages whether they are mine or not, UPS DOES NOT DELIVER THEM TO YOUR HOUSE REALLY EARLY IN THE MORNING. Everybody has work so they know nobody will be home to take packages. My parents are so paranoid about stranger taking my packages, they make me look out my door every hour to make sure to see if any packages are at my door.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Waking up at 3 am...

I am not a morning, afternoon or night person. If you wake me up in the middle of the night I WILL not wake up until 3 pm the next day. Anyway here's the story:
I go to bed at 12:30 am because it is summer vacation. I fall asleep around 1 am. All of a sudden around 3 am a loud snoring wakes me up. It turns out my dad was making all the noise( he slept in my room cuz it had an a/c). I didn't want to wake him cuz he has work in the morning. So I am patient and wait until he stops. It takes him an hour to stop and when he does stop I go back to sleep. The next morning, my sister tries to wake me up but couldn't. Then at 3 pm, I wake up. 
Here is the moral to that: Don't wake me up in the middle of the night because of something stupid, I will not get out of bed until very late!!! 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Asian Parents

Whose parents drag their child to Costco, 30 minutes before it closes and leaves 1 hour later? Apparently my parents do that to me. I think it's because their asian. They have to buy the stuff on sale because asians can't live with out a bargain. Asian parents are also strict and overprotective, they won't let their children have any fun, unless it is under their supervision. I wanted to go see a movie and my asian parents say they have to come with me to make sure nobody rape me. I was so mad because I wanted to go myself. I AM NOT A CHILD ANYMORE. I wish they would understand that. Also, from personal experience, I think asian parents force their kids to go to summer school so they can be smart. But the kids don't want to go. Of course we have to odey our parents, OR ELSE! My parents told me I have to go to summer school because they don't want me to stay home all summer. But isn't that what summer is for? To relax from 10 months of school? Any way what I am try to say is...asian parents are really strict and overprotective and want their kids to be really smart.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Sometimes in your life you will do things you'll regret. Unless you are one of those people who have hearts of steel and don't have a conscious. Anyway, regrets are one of those things that you feel and can't control. People do things that they'll regret and sometimes people won't do things because if anything goes wrong, they will regret it. I feel like I am one of those people who doesn't do things because I am afraid of the results. There is one thing I didn't do and I am regretting it.