Saturday, January 19, 2013


      OMG!!! I can't stand this anymore!!! Every frickin' time I use the computer at night and my sister goes and acts all sad and locks her self in a room to watch TV, my mom has to blame me for not sharing the computer with my sister. When I tell her that my sister has been playing all day, my mom always defends her and says that I am being selfish for not sharing. I AM BEING SELFISH FOR NOT SHARING??? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!
     I think that my mom showing favoritism to my sister. I tell her my sister has been playing since 12:30 in the afternoon to 7:30 at night, but she doesn't care. Apparently she can't stand seeing my sister so sad and lonely going off into the room to watch TV alone. Then I ask her, how come every time my sister plays and I go off into the room to watch TV, she doesn't tell my sister to share the computer with me. And this is her reply, "I've NEVER seen you go off into the room to watch TV alone when your sister is using the computer." I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE WILL LIE TO GET ME TO SHARE THE COMPUTER. Clearly she doesn't pay attention to my actions, but only to the actions of my little sister.  That pisses me off so much!!!
      So after that we start arguing and she says something that I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate. My mom says she was just asking a simple question and she asked why do I have to overreact to a simple situation. OH...I AM OVERREACTING??? REALLY??? OVERREACTING??? I DON'T THINK SO!!! Well, maybe I am overreacting because she always takes my sisters side in EVERY argument. I can't stand the fact that just to make my sister happy, I am suppose to let her have everything she wants. 
      The most upsetting thing about this is that I can't even enjoy playing anymore because my mom made me feel so guilty about it. Should I even feel guilty??? I don't know...but I feel that way. I don't know what to do...WHAT CAN I DO TO MAKE THIS FEELING GO AWAY??? I wonder if my sister ever feels guilty for no sharing the computer with me. NOPE... I don't think she knows what feeling guilty is like.
     Stupid mom always trying to make my sister happy. I can't enjoy my life with her around. Any way that is all for now...I can't even process how my mom can do this to me. Just because she wasn't home to witness my sister playing the computer, that doesn't mean she didn't use it. I AM SOOOOO MAD!!!! STUPID!!!


  1. Well the best thing you can actually do is get another computer?????????????

  2. Awww... Poor Sharon... It's okay, my mom sometime does the same thing as your mom... I know how you feel~ :)
